Saturday, January 31, 2009

I gave birth to a new blog!

Finally! I've made a new blog. I used to own an account on Xanga and I wasn't really happy with it. It looked pretty, thanks to the layout sites. Not putting my heart on the entries I've posted made everything look so dead and boring.

To you the person in front of the monitor reading the words I write down on this blog;
Welcome! Thank you for visiting my page :)
In this blog expect me writing down the things that's been running in and out of my head, ups and downs, the important and not-so-important events that this year will bring me.

Before I forget, Please RESPECT whatever I write down
I will and I can say anything I want since this is MINE.
Thank you & Have fun reading! :)
I would LOVE if you leave FLYING KISSES <3
♥ Soleil